恭喜醫放系Sajid Ali同學榮獲2022臺華獎畢(結)業生傑出表現獎!
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醫放系碩士班Sajid Ali同學為第一位就讀本校醫學院的巴基斯坦籍學生,來臺就學時即榮獲教育部臺灣獎學金,求學期間不吝在社群平台分享在臺生活,並積極幫助來自巴基斯坦及其他國家的外國學生解決各種疑難雜症;今年畢業的他在人才濟濟的受獎者中榮獲畢(結)業生傑出表現獎-服務類獎項,為全國僅僅四人中的其一,可謂實至名歸。
※服務類:在學期間積極參與各項校內外服務性活動,熱心公益、並具有犧牲 奉獻及無私精神者。
以下為Sajid Ali同學的獲獎感言: I arrived in Taiwan two years ago as a foreign student. It wasn't an easy journey; it necessitated many sacrifices, hard work, and tears. Despite the challenges, I was adamant about achieving my goal because it was a dream of mine. Since I was a child, I've always been interested in learning about other cultures and going abroad. These two years in Taiwan have been the most important in my professional career to date. This experience has enriched me beyond my wildest dreams. Taiwan is a secure, multicultural nation where individuals are respected and cared for. According to the responses, navigating and discovering a separate "world" can be a lot of fun. During my two years at China Medical University in Taiwan, I received a world-class education, excelled academically, gained experience, made many helpful and kind-hearted friends, and learned to be more flexible, independent, and mature. I'd like to thank everyone who has assisted me in achieving my objectives. Thank you, Professor Tzu-Ching Shih, for supervising me and introducing me to real experts who helped me learn more about my chosen field. Thank you to my institution, China Medical University, for their support and concern for international students; I'd want to thank them for the wonderful time I had there, as well as every instructor and management member who helped me during my classes. The Ministry of Education Taiwan Scholarship made all of these wonderful experiences and accomplishments possible. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
歡迎參閱臺獎生畢業專刊電子書第12-13頁看更多Sajid Ali同學的求學心得: https://taiwanscholarship.moe.gov.tw/web/data/epaper/110-graduate/mobile/index.html 臺華獎辦公室網站: |
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