

拔萃獎-110學年度(博士生) CMU Outstanding Scholarship for PhD Students


CMU Outstanding Scholarship for PhD Students

Application Qualification:
(1) The first-year PhD student who has a student ID starting with 110 and is admitted in Academic Year 110 (The Fall Semester of Academic Year 2021).
(2) The applicant must have chosen a PhD thesis advisor.
(3) The applicant is not from Hong Kong, Macau or China.
(4) The applicant is a full-time PhD student.

The Amount of Scholarship:
The Awarded PhD students will receive a monthly stipend of NT$ 40,000 for a maximum of 4 years after the approval of University-Level Scholarship Review Committee.

Application Submission:
After filling out the application form and having your advisor sign the form (electronic signature is also acceptable), please submit your application along with other required documents to the office of your department or Institute, and put Miss Fu at the Office of Graduate Student Affairs on copy. You may find the contact information of Miss Fu and your home department or institute below.

Please find a mentor by visiting the website if you have not yet chosen one (Please check your offer letter and see if you have a professor who is willing to serve as your mentor):

The deadline to submit your application form and required documents is: 17:00 on September 16, 2021.


Below are the contacts of Miss Fu at the Office of Graduate Student Affairs and Institutes:

Name of the office / institutes


Office of Graduate Student Affairs (Miss Fu)


Graduate Institute of Biomedical Sciences


Graduate Institute of Public Health


Graduate Institute of Dental Science


Graduate Institute of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences and Chinese Medicine Resources


Graduate Institute of Chinese Medicine


Graduate Institute of Acupuncture Science


Graduate Institute of Biological Science and Technology





申請資格:已選定指導教授之在學博士班一年級新生(不含在職進修學生、大陸地區、香港及澳門學生)。(學號110******開頭的 / 110年入學學生)


申請表請至本處網站下載(獎助相關>>1.拔萃獎) https://gsa.cmu.edu.tw/?q=zh-hant/node/52

學生繳交申請資料至系所辦公室截止日:110.9.16(四) 17:00
學院完成 院級初選 並由學院將資料送繳 研究生事務處 截止日:110.9.30(四) 17:00
拔萃獎承辦:傅小姐 (04)22053366#1162,fcy1329@mail.cmu.edu.tw
辦公時間:週一~週五 08:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00


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