Office of Global Affairs



CMU Elite Scholarship for the 2nd to 5th Year PhD Students 礪金獎-110學年度(博士生)


CMU Elite Scholarship for the 2nd to 5th Year PhD Students (礪金獎)

Application Qualification:
The second to fifth-year full-time PhD students that have chosen a thesis advisor.

Application Time:

8:00, September 13, 2021 (Mon) – 17:00, October 1, 2021 (Fri)

The Amount of Scholarship:
The Awarded PhD students will receive a monthly stipend of NT$ 10,000 for one year after the approval of University-Level Scholarship Review Committee.

Application Submission:
After filling out the application form and having your advisor sign the application form, please submit your application along with other required documents in hard copy to the office of your department or Institute.

Application Deadline
The application deadline is: 17:00 on October 1, 2021.

For more information, please contact your Department or Institute Office or Miss Fu ( ) at the Office of Graduate Student Affairs.








學生繳交申請資料至 系所辦 截止日:110.10.1(五) 17:00
學院完成 院級初選 並由學院將資料送繳 研究生事務處 截止日:110.10.15(五) 17:00
礪金獎承辦:傅小姐 (04)22053366#1162,
辦公時間:週一~週五 08:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00


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